Heritage Workshops

We have held several workshops on the Moor in the past and intend to have more in the future

Keeping The Past Alive

Over the years we have hosted occasional workshops on hedgelaying, basket making and dragonfly identification. It is important to keep these ancient crafts alive and to introduce new skills to the younger population. To do this we also have regular visits to the moor from local schools for work in the osier bed and pond dipping.

Past Workshops

Here are some images of past workshops.

Dragonfly workshop

Dragonflies on the Moor

The presence of a large pond on the moor, with adjacent trees and marsh, plus ditches and fast flowing river, all with very varied plant life, is a reason for the high number of dragonfly species found on the Moor.


This hedge on the bridleway beyond Mill Lane in Greenfield has been laid regularly since about 1990.  It is laid about every 10 years and we have now held two hedge-laying workshops – the most recent in 2018.  This image is from the winter just after we had finished.  Hedge-laying is a traditional craft and makes a hedge which is unyielding to livestock.

Laid hedge on bridleway
FDHG - Flitton Moor Willow seat1

Willow Weaving

Willow osiers are traditionally used for basket making but, due to willow’s propensity to grow when lengths are just stuck into wet ground, can also be used for living structures. This seat and bench were constructed several years ago at the side of the osier bed on Flitton Moor. They have now been removed as they were becoming unsafe. But alongside the osier bed we have constructed fedge: a living willow hedge. And over many years visiting school children have constructed a living tunnel which winds its way through the osier bed.

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