
To those that made this possible...

Grateful thanks to Sarah Wroot for her work on the new leaflet (which you can download from this site) and for the Flit Valley information boards in the barn.  Many thanks also to Sue Raven (Greensand Trust) for wildlife advice and images, and for putting up with my endless questions.  
Thanks to Steve Coleman (CBC Historic Environment Records) and Kevan Fadden (ADALHS) for help and historic images. 
Thanks to John Pitts, John Curd, Bob Rishton, Colin Carpenter and Kath Stennet for use of their photographs. 
Thanks to all the artists who have allowed us to show their work in our virtual art gallery in the barn.  They are: Lesley Arthur, Barry Breed, Fiona Brown, Heidi Green, Stanley Greening, Vera Merryweather, John Morris, Jane Rhodes, Lyn Thompson, Jim Trollinger and Julie Tyler.  Thanks also to the families of Vincent Austin and Jack Crawley who supplied images and biographical details.
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